
Sell It Like Serhant Book Summary

Sell It Like Serhant Book Summary

Sell It Like Serhant Book Summary


Selling is fun—no matter what you sell.

And a lot of stuff is being sold everywhere. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. You

might as well be the one selling too. After all, if kid Ryan who couldn’t

walk down the hall at school without being bullied can now sell $60

million every month (actually $101,861,229 last month, but who’s counting?)

1 . The Birth of a Salesman

Serhant Secret #1

The secret to your success will be revealed in hindsight. You won’t recognize it until you’ve already lived it.

Most people hit a bump along the way and they think,

Okay, it’s all over for me!, but that’s not true. If you are committed to

being successful no matter what, those bumps don’t matter—you’ve

decided on your final destination and you’ll do whatever it takes to get there.

Sales is like a race, except no one is going to tell you what kind of race

it is until that gun goes off. As you start to sell more, it becomes clear that

success is about how hard you work—it’s about your endurance, it’s about

your ability to sustain a lot of balls

Serhant Secret #2

Choose success first, no matter what—then back yourself into a career.


1 . Never hyper-focus on one ball. You do not live or die by one sale.

2. You never wonder, “What’s next?” because your next deal is already in the


3. You are surrounded by opportunity—making contacts, gaining referrals,

generating new business, always reaching for new balls.

4. You know that it takes as much energy to manage one ball as it does four, five, or even six.

5. You control the flight path—you know which balls to handle first, which ones to deal with quickly, and which ones require more time and attention.

6. You don’t blindly toss balls in the air. You care about where each one lands.

Know what your motivation is. Connect with that one thing that

motivates you from deep in your core. It can be life-changing. It’s not

enough to say, “I want to be awesome and make a lot of money.” Who

doesn’t want that? Think about what really pushes you to work harder and

do better. What motivates you so deeply that it can provide you with that

extra boost of power to send your career into overdrive? Don’t let what

scares you keep you up at night; make it push you to reach an insane level of success instead.

2. The Power of Yes

Serhant Secret #3

Never underestimate the power of a face-to-face meeting. Sometimes emails and texts are not enough to get a deal closed.

Serhant Secret #4

Closing a deal means keeping your ego in check at all times.

Serhant Secret #5

There will be an objection with almost every single sale. The goal is to turn negatives into positives.

Saying YES = Selling More. Don’t be afraid to say yes, even if you’re not sure what

you’re doing or where to start. You’d be surprised how many salespeople say no to an

opportunity just because the idea of stepping into uncharted territory makes them

uncomfortable. Saying yes gives you an enormous advantage over your competition. But

I understand how terrifying it can be to say yes: I’ve said yes to many opportunities and

those that frightened me often turned out to be the most rewarding—financially and

emotionally. Don’t forget you have the power to figure things out. And if someone thinks

you’re crazy for saying yes? Even better! They don’t have the courage to do what you’re doing.

Remember that getting to YES can mean:

Playing by someone else’s rules.

Learning to quickly turn negatives into positives.

Keep building your confidence.

An improv class can give you an edge—it’s a secret sales weapon.

Your confidence will build with each risk you take.

3. Work for the Deal

Serhant Secret #6

People don’t like being sold, but they love shopping with friends

Serhant Secret #7

Connection first, product second

Serhant Secret #8

Social currency matters. The more people you meet, the more business you’ll do.

Serhant Secret #9

Don’t always sell the most expensive product

Serhant Secret #10

You can’t negotiate with someone’s wallet, but you can negotiate with their feelings.

Salespeople are always making connections—they are ready to talk to people in line at

stores, at parties, on the street! Just about anyone in the world is a potential client.

Connections must be genuine and sincere:

Sales isn’t about delivering a line; it’s about making meaningful connections.

Think of talking to new customers as just talking to new friends.

A successful salesperson works for the deal:

You are not a used car salesman. Used car salesman are aggressive and pushy; they

work for the sale.

You are not a tour guide. Tour guides just point to things; they work for the client.

Salespeople who close deals:

  • Are relentless.
  • Have empathy.
  • Are patient.
  • Listen.
  • Bring value.
  • Have respect.

4. The Master of Follow-up


1 . Never expect people to get in touch with you.

2. Follow up until you get a YES or you read their obituary.

3. Follow up with active clients every. single. day.

4. Follow-up is smacking the ball—it’s the first step.


5. Do what you say you’re going to do.

6. Create accountability if you need to.

7. Never forget you don’t just have clients; you have relationships.

8. Follow-through drives the ball where you want it to go.


9. Keep in touch with past clients.

1 0. The relationship does not end at the closing.

1 1 . Touch base with clients you lost.

1 2. Follow-back is your opportunity to get the ball back into play.

5. The Seven Stages of Grief Selling


Understanding and learning to identify the seven stages of the sale will not only help you

close deals faster, but it will make your life much easier.

1 . Excitement: Wow, I love this. I’d better get ready because my life is about to change.

2. Frustration: Wait! I can’t control every part of this; who can I take out my frustrations

on? I know! The guy who is selling me this suit, car, refrigerator, or engagement ring!

3. Fear: What if I find something better? What if there is a better deal to be had? Is this

the best thing for me?

4. Disappointment: I did it. I spent all that money. I know I could have done better.

5. Acceptance: Well, hell. I did it. Life is short.

6. Happiness: Actually, this is going to be awesome! I’m happy about this.

7. Relief: I’m so glad that’s over! It was definitely the right thing to do!


Empathy: “We’ve all been there.” Put yourself in their shoes.

Assurance: “We are in this together.” Reassurance that you are in it until the end.

The Three P’s

Push: Gentle prodding

Pull: Gentle taking away

Persist: Consistent reminders that this is the best product.

The Element of Surprise

How can you present the information in the best light? Make a positive sandwich. Stick

the negative between two pieces of positive. Sure, the negative is the real meat of the

sandwich, but you can’t get to it without biting into the delicious positives first.

What actions can you take to surprise clients with your dedication?

Serhant Secret #13

Your morning should always start the night before. Wake up knowing exactly what

your day entails and what challenges you are facing.

Serhant Secret #14

Don’t be afraid to push yourself to take on more. If you’re the one who creates the

chaos, then you can control the chaos.

6. You Need to Get FKD

The Finder

The Finder is the CEO who makes decisions about how to steer the business forward.

The Keeper

The Keeper is the CFO who makes decisions about the financial profile of the business.

The Doer

The Doer is like a soldier—carefully executing all the work that leads the business to Victory

7. The Four Tenets of Work

Tenet #1 : The Why: Why do you do what you do?

Tenet #2: The Work: What do you do every day to expand your business?

Tenet #3: Your Wall: What are you running from?

Tenet #4: The Win: What are you doing this all for?

8. Be the One Who…

Don’t be afraid to inject creativity and fun into your pitches. Using creativity and stories to

sell your product is an excellent tool that will give you a unique edge over your


Crafting a Creative Pitch: Three Easy Steps

1 . Identify the challenge.

2. Dig In: What’s the history of your product? Or, how is your product produced?

3. Plant the Seed: Grow the nugget of information into a pitch.

Be the One Who: Every Salesperson Needs a Hook

1 . Establish Your Base Camp: Create a Hook and Get Ready to Climb

2. Go with the Wind: Be Flexible

3. Shout It from the Mountaintop

4. Climb Higher: Don’t Look for the Business You Already Have

5. Embrace Longevity: Enjoy the View from the Top

Using Your Creative Side to Close a Deal

1 . Listen carefully and observe.

2. What’s the icing on the cake?

9. How to Fail Smarter

Balls will always fall. That’s okay—sometimes there’s nothing you can do. But

incorporate these simple techniques into your sales practice to maximize your chances

of keeping them up in the air.

Negotiating Tactics to Help Keep Your Ball in Play

Bridge the gap.

Play the fears.

If you’re dropping a lot of balls, you need to do a self-check. Are any of the following

an issue?

Common Reasons Balls Get Dropped

1 . Failure to communicate.

2. You’re replying, not responding.

3. You’ve set unrealistic expectations.

4. You don’t know your shit.

5. Your approach is stale.

6. You’re overly focused on the money.

Just don’t quit. But in case you are thinking about it (but don’t)…

When You Feel Like Quitting, Ask Yourself:

Are you setting reasonable expectations?

Is inaction stressing you out? Remember your Why.

When is the last time you gave yourself a reward?

1 0. Do It Right NOW


Never forget that fences are penetrable—they’re not walls. There is always a way to get

to the other side. A wall is something your back is up against. A fence is a mere


There Is No Fence That Is Too Big for You to Get Over

Fence #1 : How Do You Make Yourself Stand Out?


Offer a unique promotion.

Use your sphere of influence to distinguish yourself.

Fence #2: I Don’t Have Enough Money to Invest in My Career.


Social media—it’s free.

Perfect your F-3, the follow-back.

Practice your craft.

Fence #3: How Do I Incentivize Myself to Reach My Goals?


Cut out the net.

Plan a trip.

Do the Important Things First

Don’t wait for perfection to become an amazing salesperson.

The amount of business dictates the need for a team.

Follow the Four E’s: Energy, Enthusiasm, Endurance, and education (aka the Little E)

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